You can copy and paste text from a Word doc into your Photo Book. This is handy for checking the spelling/grammar of your text before copying it into your book.
Some special characters may not transfer properly, so we suggest you check for any grammatical and formatting issues before and after copying the text.
Note: The font and style of the text copied from Word will not be transferred over to our Design Studio. The Font and point size of the text will automatically be converted to our fixed text style and font upon copying it into our Design Studio.
If you are copying and pasting text from a web page, we recommend typing directly into the caption or text box in the Design Studio rather than copy/pasting. If you find a layout won't 'accept' your text, it may be because it contains HTML code (web language) that is not compatible with our system.
Also, it is advisable to double-check your page formatting after copying it into a text-box, as page break-breaks etc. may need to be removed in case of any shifting during the PDF generation. It's especially important to do this if copying from a web page or any other non-standard text-editing program.
Our Design Studio doesn’t currently have a spell and grammar check function.