Generic Customs, Import Duties and Local Taxes Information

Please remember, shipping prices do not include admin/handling fees and you or the recipient of your book may be subject to import duties and local taxes.

All orders are produced by our long-standing print partners in China and dispatched from Hong Kong. Therefore if you are shipping to a location outside Hong Kong, import duties may apply to your order, depending on the destination country's importation policy.

Any duties/taxes will be payable upon delivery, and you will be notified of any related importation fees by FedEx or DHL. If you are unsure about whether these charges may apply to your order, please contact your local tax or customs authorities.

Unfortunately, we have no control over these charges, and cannot tell you what the costs may be, but this Import Calculator may be useful for providing an indicative cost.

Your order will be declared at the amount paid. If you apply a promotional voucher the value of your order will be declared as the amount you paid for the voucher.