Can I Add More Pages Than I Have Pre-Purchased?

Yes, if the extra pages that you want to add do not exceed the maximum page count.

If you are using a pre-purchased voucher code that is inclusive of a certain number of pages, bear in mind that the price adjustment will not take place until you've entered the code during checkout.

Your book will show your total page count when the 'Review item details' section in the basket is expanded. Any pages that were not pre-purchased in the deal will be charged at the regular rate at checkout after the voucher is applied. If you have a discount code, you can apply it to get a discount on your extra pages.

Pricing for extra pages is charged per page, and can be found by viewing our 'Compare our Range' page.

Please refer to the Minimum & Maximum Page Counts page, to find out the correct page counts for your MILK Photo Book or Album.