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Can I Change The Currency In MILK Books Photo App Extension?

The MILK Books Photo App extension on Mac offers multiple currency options.

We now offer multiple currencies in the MILK Books Photos App extension. These currencies are AUD, CAD, EUR, GBP, HKD, NZD, and USD.

Your currency will be automatically set using the location on your Mac, but if you wish to check out in a different currency, you can change it.

Please note that if you have a pre-purchase voucher or a gift voucher for the Photos App extension, your basket must match the currency of the voucher.


How to change your currency in the MILK Books Photos App extension*

You can change the currency of your basket by updating your account settings. In the Photos App extension, click on the profile icon at the top right of your screen and select account settings. This will take you through to a new page.

Under Language & Currency, select your preferred currency from the drop-down menu. You can then click the save button at the top right of your screen to confirm the change.


*If you are not able to change the currency in your Photos App extension, please make sure that you have updated to the latest version.